Hi all,
This is my first Article in my blog so please apologize for my english and if i convey anything
wrongly tell me
The time you start developing web application from that moment to until you finish your application
web.config file plays a major role for securing your application and also it handles all the
requirements at the application level but we must understand what we will do by means of
web.config file.
We must Remember the fallowing when we think about web.Config
> Web.config stored in XML format which makes us easier to work.
> We can have any number of web.config files for an application .Each web.config files
applies their settings to thier own directory
> It inherit form the folder location "systemroot\Microsoft.NET\Framework\versionNumber\CONFIG\Web.config location"
>IIS is configured in such way that it prevent the web.config file from browser access.
see Bellow the hierarchy of wen.config
The most common thing we work in configuration hierarchy is system.web.
This is my first Article in my blog so please apologize for my english and if i convey anything
wrongly tell me
The time you start developing web application from that moment to until you finish your application
web.config file plays a major role for securing your application and also it handles all the
requirements at the application level but we must understand what we will do by means of
web.config file.
We must Remember the fallowing when we think about web.Config
> Web.config stored in XML format which makes us easier to work.
> We can have any number of web.config files for an application .Each web.config files
applies their settings to thier own directory
> It inherit form the folder location "systemroot\Microsoft.NET\Framework\versionNumber\CONFIG\Web.config location"
>IIS is configured in such way that it prevent the web.config file from browser access.
see Bellow the hierarchy of wen.config
So,for web.config file have the root element configuration tag,Each element
can have any number attribute and child elements.
Let me Discuss some General Configuration settings in web.config file
The most common thing we work in configuration hierarchy is system.web.
<add assembly="System, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral/>
Page Settings
Page settings is used for the general settings of all the pages, we can
set the general settings like sessionstate,viewstate,buffer, etc.,
<pages buffer ="true" styleSheetTheme="" theme ="Acqua"
masterPageFile ="MasterPage.master"
Custom error Settings
By using this we can configure the application level errors in these
<customErrors defaultRedirect ="Error.aspx" mode ="Off">
<error statusCode ="401" redirect ="page.aspx"/>
Here we have default redirect and mode attribute which specifies
the default redirect page and on/off mode respectively
redirecting the default page depends upon the error status code .
400-bad request
404-not found
408-request time
By using web.config file we can give authentication,autorization,membership,
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